Selasa, 05 Desember 2017

The Influence of Lecturer Competency and Lecturer's Performance to Student Satisfaction Level of Accounting Education FKIP UIR Pekanbaru

Abstract This study wanted to reveal the problem whether there is influence of lecturer’s competence to student satisfaction with lecturer performance as maderating variable. The object of this study are all lecturers of accounting study program while the sample of this study amounted to 330 students taken proportional sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed by path analysis using AMOS program assistance. The result of research is (a) There is influence of pedagogic competence of lecturer toward student’s satisfaction either directly or through lecturer’s performance; (b) There is influence of social competence to student satisfaction either directly of through lecturer performance; (c) There is influence of professional competence of lecturer to student satisfaction either directly of through lecturer performance; (d) There is influence of self competence of student satisfaction either directly or through lecturer performance Keywords: Lecturer Competence, Student Satisfaction, Lecturer Performance 1. INTRODUCTION 1. Background Lecturers are one of the essential components in the education system in universities. The role, duties and responsibilities of lecturers are very meaningful to produce quality resources. Lecturers are required to show good performance. Good performance must be supported by competence as well as professionalism. However, professionalism of lecturers is not always directly proportional to the professionalism of work (Ali mubarok, 2010). Many pointed out that lecturers do not have professional skills. Professional quality of lecturers is still low (Mahmud, 2002). Ipong Dekawati (2011) mentioned that the level of professionalism of lecturers is not maximal yet. Semiawan's observation result (2008) shows that the class of lecturers is the main actor so that the students are dominantly passive. High DG data (2002) also requires low quality of lecturers. Lecturers play a role in the learning process and directly affect the improvement of student learning quality. In a paternalistic nation culture the students are still very obedient to their lecturers. Lecturers hold the reins of leadership that is very influential on students in learning. The style, the habits, the discipline, the ability and the competence of the lecturer in the learning process determine the outcome of the learning process itself. The results showed that qualified teachers influenced the effectiveness of learning (Suherman, 2007, Rink, 2002 in Ali Maksum 2008) and in turn influenced the achievement of students (Siedentop & Tannehill, 2000, in Ali Maksum 2008). 2. Problem Statement Based on the description of the above background then the formulation of the problem in this study are: 1. Is there any influence of pedagogical competence of lecturer toward student's satisfaction through lecturer's performance. 2. Is there any influence of social competence on student satisfaction through lecturer performance. 3. Is there any influence of lecturer's professional competence to student's satisfaction on lecturer's performance. 4. Is there any influence of personal competence of lecturer to Satisfaction i to lecturer performance. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Competence Concept "Competence" is a key term in this study. The word "competence" comes from English competence, which means ability, skill, authority and power. Hornby (1982: 172) defines competence as person having ability, power, authority, skill, knowledge to do what is needed .. Based on this understanding, competence can be given meaning, people who have ability, power, authority, skill, required to perform a specific task. Hari Suderadjat (2004) provides guidance on the meaning of competence. In general, competence is defined as the possession of knowledge (basic concepts of science), skills required in completing a job in the field, and values and attitudes. Specifically according to Kepmendiknas 045 / U / 2002, competence is a set of intelligent actions full of responsibilities that someone has as a condition to be considered capable by the community in performing tasks in a particular field of work. 2. Competence of Lecturer Lecturers and teachers alike as educational staff. In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers explains that the competence of teachers or lecturers is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be owned, experienced, and mastered by teachers or lecturers in performing professional duties. In the Renewal Pattern of Education System of Educational Staff in Indonesia, there are three dimensions of competence that support the professional competence profile of the education personnel: 1) personal competence, 2) professional competence, and 3) community competence. (Raka Joni, 1980: 11). The three professional dimensions of this teacher are also found in Suharsimi Arikunto (1990). Only Suharsimi Arikunto changed the term socially with "social". 3. Lecturer performance Performance appraisal refers to a formal and structured system used to measure, assess and influence work-related traits, behaviors and outcomes. Thus, performance appraisal is the result of personnel work within the scope of their responsibilities. Performance of lecturers at a college is a real behavior that is displayed every lecturer as the work performance generated by the lecturer in accordance with its role. To be able to determine the quality of lecturers' performance there needs to be a clear criteria. Mitchell (1978) states that performance includes several aspects, namely: aspects of job quality, timeliness, initiative, ability and communication.ICoSEEH UIR 08-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, In 4. Satisfaction a. Understanding Customer Satisfaction Today the attention to satisfaction and dissatisfaction of a service is very large because basically satisfaction is first sought by consumers or customers rather than the quality of a service. Customer satisfaction is a central concept in the theory and practice of service marketing, even Customer satisfaction contributes to a number of crucial aspects, such as the creation of customer loyalty, increased corporate or agency reputation, reduced price elasticity, reduced future transaction costs, and increased employee efficiency and productivity (Kotler 2011: 423). b. Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction According to M. Nur Nasution (2010: 104) factors that affect customer satisfaction seen from persfektif and customer expectations: 1. "needs and wants" relating to what the customer feels when he / she is trying to make transactions with the producer / supplier of the product (the company). If at that time the needs and desires are great, then customer expectations will be high and vice versa 2. past experience when consuming products from companies and competitors 3. the experiences of friends where they tell the quality of the product that the customer will buy. This clearly affects customer perceptions, especially in products that are perceived to be at high risk 4. communication through advertising and marketing services affect customer perceptions. sales and advertising people should not overpay and actually not be able to meet customer expectations will have a negative impact on customer perceptions about the product. 3. METHODOLOGY The subject of this research is all lecturers of Prodi Accounting Education Education at UIP Faculty of Law numbered 11 lecturers. Of the 11 subjects are then pulled respoden with proportional principle. Each lecturer is taken 25 s.d 30 students. The sample or respondent of this study amounted to 11 x 30 = 330 people with the sampling technique used in this research is Porposional random sapling technique. Data were analyzed using path analysis with the help of AMOS program. The model identification is based on a theory that may be tested with the data cited. Models are formulated using variant / covarian matrix inputs (Schumacker & Lomax, 2004). This process can also recognize the freedom (df) that needs to be greater than empty (0) for the purpose of identification, otherwise AMOS software can not to breach parameters. The same way to see identification problems is to look at the value of a large standard error for one or more coefficients, the AMOS software's inability to see the original matrix values, budget values such as negative error variants and high correlation (> 0.90) between the budget coefficients ( Cristy Lleras, 2005). 4. RESULTS 1. Discretion Data a. An Overview of Lecturer Competence of Accounting Education Study Program If grouped the value of Lecturer Competence UI FKIP Accounting Study Program based on the reference value range used in FKIP UIR then the average value of competence is 84 or equivalent A-. b. Overview of Performance Lecturer Prodi Accounting Education If grouped the value of lecturer's performance UIP FKIP Accounting Study Program based on the range of values used in FKIP UIR then the average value of performance is 78 or equal B+. c. Overview of Student Satisfaction of Accounting Education Study Program If grouped student satisfaction value FKIP UIR Accounting Study based on the reference value range used in FKIP UIR then the average student satisfaction score is 77 or equivalent B+. 2. DATA ANALYSIS a. Test Normality Assumption Before the path analysis using AMOS first done aji normality. The test results obtained Multivariate value cr <1 -="" .90="" 0.05="" 1000="" 25="" 2="" 95.112="" above="" amos="" and="" appears="" at="" b.="" based="" c.="" cn="" coefficient="" covariance="" data="" degrees="" determinant="" determinat="" distributed.="" done="" freedom="" from="" greater="" identification="" is="" it="" level="" matrix.="" matrix="" means="" model="" multicolinearity="" multicollonearity.="" multykoliniearity="" no="" normally="" number="" of="" on="" ondition="" output="" smaller="" statistic="" test="" text="" than="" that="" the="" there="" this="" through="" trust="" zero=""> Chi-square =, 554 it can be concluded that the model is saturated or perfect fit model This means that the analysis using this model can be continued d. Flow Analysis 1. Model identification Fig 1 Model Identification The result of path diagram analysis using AMOS is seen that the model is not fit visible from the fit model test does not meet full. Of the many loaded only two that meet the laden hi Square values are expected to be small and large NFI value of the remaining 0.90 does not meet the load so it needs to be recorded triming or improvement. 2. Model improvement Fig 2 Model Improvement After improving the model, the model has met the fit model test for only two tests that do not meet the requirements but the model is acceptable. 3. HYPOTHESES TEST H.1.There is influence of pedagogical competence of lecturer to student satisfaction through lecturer performance. The path diagram test through AMOS and after summarized can be concluded that pedagogig competence mempengruhi student satisfaction of 0,056 while through performance 0,196, in other words student's satisfaction influenced by pedagogic competence indirectly (0,196) and reinforced directly (0,056) by lecturer performance. If it is associated with the proposed hypetisis There is influence of lecturer Pedagogic competence on student satisfaction through lecturer performance, accepted. This means that performance is very much supportive of pedagogic competence in influencing student satisfaction and very weak influence pedagogig competence to student satisfaction. H.2.There is influence of social competence to student satisfaction through lecturer performance. Based on the summary of AMOS output texs seen in the table above that social competence affects student satisfaction directly (0,134) and indirectly (0,029), and also strengthened by performance equal to 0,101. If categorized by the proposed hypothesis that there is influence of social competence to student satisfaction through lecturer performance hence acceptable. This means that social competence is very influential on student satisfaction FKIP UIR Accounting Education. H.3.There is influence of professional competence of lecturer to student satisfaction through lecturer performance. Table The results of the path diagram test through AMOS and after summarized can be concluded that the professional competence mempengruhi student satisfaction of 0.168 while through the performance of 0.175 in other words student satisfaction is influenced by professional competence directly (0.119) and reinforced directly (0,175) by lecturer performance. If it is associated with the proposed hypetisis There is influence of professional competence of lecturer to student satisfaction through lecturer performance, accepted. This means that performance is very supportive of professional competence in influencing student satisfaction. H.4.There is influence of personal competence of lecturer to student satisfaction through lecturer performance. Based on the summary of AMOS output txs seen in the table above that personal competence affects student satisfaction (0,038) and is also strengthened by performance equal to 0,134. If categorized by the proposed hypothesis that there is influence of competence pridadi to student satisfaction through lecturer performance hence acceptable. This means that personal competence is very influential on student satisfaction FKIP UIR Accounting Education Based on the summary of AMOS output texs seen in the table above that the performance affects student satisfaction (0.285). This means that the performance is very influential on student satisfaction FKIP UIR Accounting Education. 4. DISCUSSION a. Competence of Lecturer of Accounting Education Study Program and Student Satisfaction From the hypothesis test above shows that the most affect the level of student satisfaction is the competence of professionalism, either alone on the level of student satisfaction and through the performance of lecturers. This illustrates that the level of student satisfaction tends to be interpreted from the ability of lecturers to present the material well, because the meaning of professional competence is the ability of lecturers in the mastery of teaching materials in full as well as ways of teaching it in a pedagogical and methodical. Suharsimi Arikunto (1990) termed it with a broad and deep knowledge of the field of study to be taught and methodological mastery. The latter may now fall into pedagogic competence. In the National Standards of Education it is argued that the meaning of professional competence is the ability of mastery of learning materials widely and deeply which enables to guide learners to meet the competence standards set out in the National Education Standards. In accordance with the theory of teaching that the more in mastered teaching materials will semangkingkin flexible teacher / lecturer in presenting the material and the more preferred the lecturer / teacher by the students (Sukarni, 2005). If it is associated with descriptive findings descriptively only 4 people from 11 lecturers Prodi Education Prodant who get A's score A- then this is quite proud. Furthermore, social competence is also a major contribution to the level of student satisfaction. Lecturer's social competence is the ability of lecturers in social relationships with fellow human beings, especially with the people around them (neighbors, relatives, colleagues, and others). The lecturer certification instrument states that the lecturer's social competence can be studied from the ability to express opinions, the ability to accept criticism, suggestions and opinions of others, to know well the students who follow the course, easy to get along among colleagues, employees and students and tolerance to the diversity of students. In the National Standards of Education it is argued that what is meant by social competence is the ability of teachers or lecturers as part of the community to communicate and get along effectively with learners, fellow educators, education personnel, parents / guardians, and the surrounding community (Mulyasa, 2007 ). b. Performance Lecturer Prodi Accounting Education and Student Satisfaction The performance of lecturers significantly affects the satisfaction of students is 0.285 this illustrates that the performance of lecturers will bapengaruh to the level of student satisfaction. Performance of lecturers at a college is a real behavior that is displayed every lecturer as a work performance generated by the lecturer in accordance with its role. To be able to determine the quality of performance of lecturers need a clear criteria (UPI Bandung, 2009). Furthermore UPI Bandung quality team (2009) confirmed that one of the duties and responsibilities of lecturers, as mandated in Government Regulation No. 60 year 1999, is to carry out education and teaching. This task, is the main of a lecturer who must be done seriously because as the realization of the main task of a college, which is carrying out teaching and learning activities in an effort to educate students. Talking about the satisfaction of Tse and Wilton (1988: 204) in his book M. Nur Nasution (2010: 104) "Customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a customer response to a perceived discrepancy / perceived evaluation between previous expectations (or other performance norms) and actual product performance which is felt after its use ". As an educational institution that focuses on servants so satisfaction should be a serious concern for the organizers. 5. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 1. Conclusion From the above analysis and discussion can be concluded among others 1. There is influence of lecturer Pedagogic competence on student satisfaction either directly or through lecturer's performance. 2. There is influence of social competence on student satisfaction either directly or through lecturer performance 3. There is influence of professional competence of lecturer to student satisfaction either directly or through lecturer performance. 4. There is influence of pridadi competence to student satisfaction either directly or through lecturer performance 2. 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